Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Day 4 Reflections - Selena Steffy-Fuoss and Pamela Quintero

Day 1:
Well it is day 4 and we (Pamela and Salena) have lots of catching up to do! Our invigorating hike of the great wall was hampered by my (Pam’s) 50 pound purse and my (Salena’s) celebrity photo shoot. We believe if we could do this hike every day for the next 4 years we can be ready for the next Olympics. I (Salena) decided to go to the restroom without my partner in crime and she thought I was kidnapped in the Forbidden City.

Day 2/3: Sorry Rick and Jack we have confirmed our passion for attending Law School after talking to Audrey Chen at the Junhe Law Offices. We were impressed by her vast knowledge of the American and Chinese Law as well as both cultures. I (Salena) was so impressed that asked how I could practice law in China and she responded by asking if I could speak Chinese. Unfortunately I only know how to say boiling water (kai shui). I learned the word the other day when Pam, Darin, Jennifer and I went for tea. I (Pam) tried to be helpful and ensure our tea was made with boiling water. I quickly my used my resources and limited language skills and as a result we received shot cups of boiling water.

Unfortunately, I (Pam) got a migraine headache that got worst throughout the day. However, I learn an ancient Chinese secret that the boiling water from the café would have helped m headache.

Well I (Salena) learned a lot of about everybody’s dancing skills in the class. I, also learned that if my MBA degree doesn’t help my career I continue my lessons with Manvel and have a future as a pool shark.

This is Pam and Salena signing out and we will tell you of the adventures in Shanghai when we get there later this week.

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