Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 3 - Barb Thompson's reflections

Have you ever been in a crowd and felt like everyone was looking your way? Not like you walked in with that perfect suit on but more like they were surprised to see you in the first place and you weren’t invited. Well, it took me about a day to realize that it was more like everyone was glad to see me and was trying to figure out how to greet or approach me. Only after hearing a set of words repetitively did I had an epiphany it was my hair and I realized that my hair is different then anything that the Beijing citizens had seen up-close and personal. The glares were amazement and the body language was anxiousness. The mystery had been cracked and I immediately began to extend to anyone that appeared hesitant to engage their curiosity and approach me.

My lesson for the day: your imagination of what can be is probably worse than what is after all in my mind, my hair is average but across cultural bearers it’s like a lion’s mane.

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